Meditation Meditation Month 2025
Insight Meditation
Insight meditation teacher Joseph Goldstein explains how to treat consciousness as the object of meditation.
Living in Our Money-Driven Society: Navigating a Path to Awakening
Join Gina LaRoche and Jen Cohen as they explore our money-driven society using the framework of the ten paramis.
Meditation Meditation Month 2022
Jhana: The Spice Your Meditation Has Been Missing
Meditation teacher and political columnist Jay Michaelson explains how jhana meditation is a transformative and vital part of the eightfold path.
Neither Edge Nor Center
How meditation can relieve our reliance on self-images and help us discover a natural ease that underpins physical existence
Personal Reflections Vipassana
Bringing Insight to Berlin
Insight meditation Peter Doobinin talks about leaving New York City and starting Berlin Dharma.
Meet a Sangha: Insight Meditation Community of Charlottesville
Meet the Insight Meditation Community of Charlottesville, Virginia
IdeasMagazine | Special Section
Color-Blind Fury
Tired of anger and bitterness an African-American attorney describes the roots of her rage and the experience of going beyond them.
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