
How mindfulness and compassion practices can help us recognize our fundamental ignorance of our interconnectedness

Personal Reflections Interviews
A Mother Visits Mississippi
The first fully ordained monastic of Thich Nhat Hanh talks about mindfulness in the West, Martin Luther King Jr.’s Beloved Community, and what makes her smile.

“The really wonderful thing that happened to me when I was in space,” says astronaut Mae Jemison in Planetary, “was this feeling of belonging to the entire universe.” Through stunning footage and wide-ranging interviews, this documentary delivers…

The Craft and Business of Connectivity
How a conversation on interbeing and Thich Nhat Hanh motivated art and fashion students to make more responsible choices in their work.

Why self-mastery is self-defeating

The Need of the Hour
A new vision and scale of values are necessary measures for safeguarding our world.

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