
Indie rock luminary Phil Elverum on the Buddhist breadcrumbs in his back catalog, “Non-Metaphorical Decolonization,” and the art of being engaged but not hung up

Moving Toward Peace, Truth, and Beauty
Ann Tashi Slater speaks with best-selling author Cheryl Strayed about the healing qualities of surrender and our power to be agents in our lives.

Dharmic Improvisations
Exploring monastic music traditions, apocalyptic visions, and Drukpa anarchism with singular guitarist Tashi Dorji.

Personal Reflections Illness & Care
Proactive Mindfulness for Health Care Professionals
A UK clinician on why certain Buddhist tools are essential for those practicing medicine under duress

‘Biography of a Thought’
The contemporary Tibetan painter Tenzing Rigdol on Buddhism versus secularism and his new installation at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Personal ReflectionsMagazine | Openings, Podcasts
Healing Within
An excerpt of a conversation between Sister Dang Nghiem and Tricycle’s editor-in-chief, James Shaheen

Where the Light Comes From
Interview with Poet Laureate Ada Limón

Why Change Shouldn’t Surprise Us
Ann Tashi Slater speaks with best-selling author Malcolm Gladwell about the possibility for dramatic reversals, how to deal with uncertainty, and what it means to belong to a community.

Searching for the Revolution in Every Incarnation
Vajra Chandrasekera’s latest novel reckons with the ongoing violence of Sri Lankan Buddhism.

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