Kung Fu Nuns

In Pad Yatra, follow along on the Kung Fu Nuns' extraordinary 450-mile trek across the Himalayas to inspire climate action throughout the region and across the world.

New International Airport at Buddhist Pilgrimage Site in Kushinagar, India
The new airport is part of the prime minister’s efforts to promote the country’s Buddhist heritage and encourage tourism. Plus, Myanmar’s military releases, then rearrests, prisoners, and 84000 announces a new app. Tricycle looks back at…

Aung San Suu Kyi’s Lawyer Says He’s Not Allowed to Speak About Her Case
The deposed civilian leader has been detained since February 1. Plus, LGBTQ monk and makeup artist is named one of TIME’s 2021 Next Generation Leaders, and a climate report reveals uprooted livelihoods in Tibet. Tricycle looks…

The Kung Fu Nuns Dance a Powerful Ritual
The fearless Drukpa nuns are breaking glass ceilings again—this time with ritual performance. Here’s how to watch.

Buddha Buzz Weekly: A Buddhist on Death Row Ends Hunger Strike
Jarvis Jay Masters ends his hunger strike over phone restrictions, the Kung Fu nuns win an award for outreach work, and Thich Nhat Hanh celebrates his 94th birthday. Tricycle looks back at the events of this…

How to Combat Fear
The head of the Drukpa School of Tibetan Buddhism teaches us how compassion can make sure that we’re not fractured by differences.

Kung Fu Nuns Planning to Teach Hundreds of Himalayan Women Self-Defense
These active Buddhist nuns are helping women in India and Nepal to empower themselves through martial arts.

Buddha Buzz Fall 2017
All the latest in Buddhist goings-on: books, news, and more

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