Personal Reflections Reflections
Letting Go
A reflection and practice on the act of burning incense as an expression of our karma
Lovingkindness for Control Freaks
A practice for letting go of our illusion of control and relaxing into the present moment
The Value of Simplicity
Doing more with less: A teaching from the Metta Sutta
Letting Go of Time
A neuroscientist and Zen practitioner reflects on what remains when we transcend the concept of time.
Why We Should Turn Towards Mystery
In an excerpt from his new online course, “The Power of Not Knowing,” Buddhist teacher Martin Aylward explains the benefits of setting aside what we already know and embracing the freedom of not knowing.
Meditation Meditation Month 2023
What We Gain When We Learn to Let Go
There are two sides to this Buddhist practice: letting go of something and letting go into something.
The Mirror of Practice
Three points to guide you in meditation
Personal ReflectionsMagazine | Feature
Leaving Everything Behind
A renowned teacher gives up a traditional life of protection to seek the extreme and transformational conditions of an anonymous mendicant monk.
Everyday Buddhahood: Caregiving as Dharma Practice
When we raise children, assist our aging parents, or tend to a sick friend, caregiving offers an opportunity to transform our interactions with others into part of the Buddhist path. In this series, Repa Dorje Odzer…
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