Lotus Sutra
On recognizing the spiritual guidelines as actual proof of one’s practice
Teachings Parables of the Lotus Sutra
Embracing Personal Responsibility in The Parable of the Good Physician
In Chapter Sixteen of the Lotus Sutra, the Buddha teaches that we can be saved only by our own efforts.
Teachings Parables of the Lotus Sutra
Remaining Steadfast and Equanimous in the Parable of the Pearl in the Topknot
In Chapter Nine of the Lotus Sutra, the Buddha extols the paramount importance of courage and tenacity.
Teachings Parables of the Lotus Sutra
Unearthing Our Buddhanature in the Parable of the Jewel Hidden in the Robe
Chapter Eight of the Lotus Sutra reminds us that the Buddha is not a person outside us but an energy already inherent within.
Sounds of Enlightenment
Composer and musician Miguel Atwood-Ferguson on how Nichiren Buddhism saved his life
Teachings Parables of the Lotus Sutra
Becoming Our Own Guide through the Parable of the Conjured City
In order for his followers to fully develop on their spiritual paths, the Buddha teaches an important lesson about self-perception.
Teachings Parables of the Lotus Sutra
Keeping in Mind Our Interbeing Through the Parable of the Medicinal Herbs
Chapter Five of the Lotus Sutra tells us to simultaneously drink in the rain of the dharma and to nurture the dharma around us.
Teachings Parables of the Lotus Sutra
Reflecting on Faith and Understanding in the Wealthy Man and His Poor Son
How the Mahayana Buddhist story of the prodigal son reminds us all that it is never too late to stop running
Teachings Parables of the Lotus Sutra
Taking a Modern Look at the Burning House
On how to use the nightmarish narrative to find agency in the here and now
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