Meditation Apps

A study in Psychotherapy Research indicates that people who started meditating using an app may be more likely to develop what's known as "meditation sickness."

A New Meditation App for People of Color
Why Julio Rivera created Liberate

Magazine | By the Numbers, Openings
Buddhism by the Numbers: The Economics of Mindfulness
The happiest and unhappiest apps, apps' annual revenues, the ranking of meditation apps, and more data on the economics of mindfulness

Meditation App Roundup
Caitlin Van Dusen reviews three meditation apps that assist your meditation practice: Just 6, ZenView, and Aware.

Meditation App Roundup: Summer 2018
Caitlin Van Dusen reviews three meditation apps: WeCroak, Sand Garden, and Relax Meditation

Top Five Meditation Timer Apps for iOS
Find the right balance of simplicity, features, and price

Meditation App Roundup: Spring 2018
Caitlin Van Dusen reviews three meditation apps: My Mala, The WellBe, and Aura

Tricycle’s Meditation App Roundup
Looking for the right meditation app? Start here.

Meditation App Roundup: Winter 2017
Caitlin Van Dusen reviews three meditation apps: 10% Happier, Zen Bound 2, and My Gratitude Journal

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