Meet a Sangha

A community of dharma practitioners in a small-town in Ohio seeks to maintain the distinct integrity of multiple Buddhist traditions.

Meet a Sangha: Nambei Honganji, Brazil Betsuin
Meet Nambei Honganji, Brazil Betsuin, a Jodo Shinshu sangha based in São Paolo.

Meet a Sangha: Israeli Engaged Dharma
A community in Jerusalem works to bring relief to Palestinians living under occupation and create awareness about their plight.

Latter-day Zen
Salt Lake City’s Lower Lights Sangha blends Buddhist meditation and Mormon faith.

Meet a Sangha: Insight Meditation Community of Charlottesville
Meet the Insight Meditation Community of Charlottesville, Virginia

Meet a Sangha: Centro Zen de Puerto Rico
How Puerto Rico’s largest Zen center is working to rebuild after Hurricanes Irma and Maria devastated the island

Meet a Sangha: Texas Buddhist Association
The Houston-based sangha, one of many affected by Hurricane Harvey, serves English and Chinese-speaking families throughout the city.

Meet a Sangha: Red Rose Sangha
Meet Red Rose Sangha, a Zen community in Lancaster, Pennsylvania

Meet a Sangha: Dojo Zen de Santiago, Chile
The Soto Zen sangha’s main focus is keeping the dharma practice transmitted by Shakyamuni Buddha alive and thriving.

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