
The Middle Way of Nagarjuna, one of Mahayana Buddhism’s greatest philosophers

Why the Doctrine of No-Self Is Not Nihilistic
Professor Roger Jackson explains how Buddhist philosopher Nagarjuna reconciles the concepts of no-self and reincarnation

Nagarjuna’s Wisdom: The Middle Way
In his masterwork Fundamental Verses on the Middle Way, the ancient Indian philosopher Nagarjuna offered enduring lessons on the core Buddhist concepts of emptiness and dependent arising. In this series, Barry Kerzin, the Dalai Lama’s personal…

TeachingsMagazine | Teachings, What's in a Word?
What’s in a Word? Samsara
Our expert explains the etymology of samsara.

Not Alone During the Holidays
Buddhist teachings about how we're all connected can be hard to access during an isolating winter season. One writer explains how she rediscovered her holiday cheer.

Globalism 3.0
The secret to world harmony isn’t oneness. It’s multiplicity.
Nagarjuna in Buddhist art
The object of knowledge in dream is not seen when one awakes. Similarly the world disappears to him who is awakened from the darkness of ignorance. The creation of illusion is nothing but illusion. When everything…
Is it ok to say “the West”?
Editor-at-Large Andrew Cooper stopped by for a visit yesterday—quite a change from the Pacific Northwest, where he lives. The heat and rain are very familiar to him, though. He hails from the New York metro area.…
Thoughts on Days 1 and 2 of the Dalai Lama’s teachings
In my days as a student at Naropa University I can recall many occasions, both in the classroom and out, where I found myself among a small handful of people discussing the work of Nagarjuna. These…

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