norman fischer
Zen priest Norman Fischer explains how we are more than the people we seem to be and that compassion is already part of the equation.
When You Greet Me I Bow: Relationship, Emptiness, Activism
Poet, translator, and Zen Buddhist priest Norman Fischer shares lessons from his decades of practice: from relationships, to emptiness, to activism, to cultural encounters between East and West.
IdeasMagazine | Books, Reviews
Students of Mountains and Rivers
The new tradition of study emerging around one of Soto Zen’s foundational texts
The Practicality of the Impossible
Zen priest Norman Fischer explains how the absurdity of the bodhisattva ideal demonstrates a much needed way of reimagining the world.
MeditationMagazine | In Brief, Teachings
In Brief
Select wisdom from sources old and new
Seeing God in What Is
Zen priest Norman Fischer explains how his concept of the Jewish God informs his Buddhist practice.
On Not Knowing What’s Next
Don’t get drawn into the craziness and hype. There’s a way to equanimity and action.
Retreat or Fight? Both are Right.
In times of remarkable injustice, the "hands-off" Buddhist approach is not enough—we need to get off the cushion and fight.
Coming of Age in a Secular Era
Journalist Katherine Ozment explores a new secular Buddhist tradition for young adults in her new book, Grace Without God.
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