Meditation Meditation Month 2025
Pali Canon
The Bhikkhunivasako Sutta explains how to incorporate different approaches to meditation into our practice.
Living with Intention
Dharma teacher Lama Aria Drolma on how to reorient our perpetual decision-making tendencies to cultivate a more purposeful life
Cutting the Roots of Craving
Desire is beginningless. Yet through right mindfulness we can learn to abandon it.
The Buddha on Jhana
In passages from the Pali canon, the Buddha paints a vivid picture of a well-being born of collectedness.
Freedom Over Justice
Karma may not be just, but it offers a path to freedom.
Personal Reflections Environment
Climate Grief, Communal Power
A Zen teacher invokes the Parable of the Mustard Seed to call for intersectional solidarity from the larger Buddhist community
Relinquishing Preference through ‘The Silent Sages of Old’
A Slovenian Theravada teacher on abandoning views through one of the oldest compilations in the Pali canon
COVID Inside the Monastery
Thai monks recount their experience during the pandemic
Through Grief to Freedom: The Story of Krsha Gautami
The staggering losses of a nun whose tale appears in the Kshudrakavastu illuminates the power of shared suffering.
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