
From ancient Buddhist stories to new novels with Buddhist settings or themes, this summer reading list has something for everyone.

Finding Nirvana in the Classics
In The Dharma Bum’s Guide to Western Literature, meditation teacher Dean Sluyter unveils the dharma lessons within different Western classics

Reading with the End in Mind
A professor of Buddhist narrative learns to live with her cancer diagnosis by connecting with Buddhist stories.

CultureMagazine | Books, Openings
What We’re Reading
The latest in Buddhist publishing, plus a book worth rereading

CultureMagazine | Books, Openings
What We’re Reading
The latest in Buddhist publishing, plus a book worth rereading

CultureMagazine | Books, Openings
What We’re Reading
The latest in Buddhist publishing, plus a book worth rereading

What We’re Reading
The latest in Buddhist publishing, plus a book worth rereading

What Our Kids Are Reading
A glimpse of the latest in Buddhist books for kids

What We’re Reading
The latest in Buddhist publishing, plus a book worth rereading

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