
How Pure Land’s teachings on compassion and the Internal Family Systems model can help unburden our deepest feelings of shame

The Piquantness of Cilantro and the Retelling of Half-Truths
Certain things you believe about yourself for your entire life. Until, one day, you suddenly realize you’ve missed the main story, and all this time you have been fixated on a half-truth.

Personal Reflections Eightfold Path
Cultivating Healthy Embarrassment
In a recent episode of Tricycle Talks, Zen teacher Koshin Paley Ellison lays out the distinction between toxic shame and healthy embarrassment.

The Sun Behind the Clouds
Buddhist songwriter Laura Mustard’s path toward self-acceptance

TeachingsMagazine | Dharma Talk, Teachings
A True Taste of Peace
We can learn to let go of our negative conceptions of ourselves when we realize that they’re real but not true.

Why Shame Gets a Bad Rap
(But shouldn't)

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