
Religious scholar Jeff Wilson explains how the radical teachings of Shinran Shonin, the founder of Jodo Shinshu Buddhism, can help us navigate today’s social and environmental problems.

One Mess Within Oneness
The Shin Buddhist Path as a Religion of Awakening

Nothing to Be
Losing the self through faith in the Buddha

Pure Land Buddhism: The Way of Shinran
What is Pure Land Buddhism?

Born Together With All Beings
Pure Land Buddhism’s emphasis on universal support is experienced personally as the feeling of “inner togetherness.”

Don’t Drown in Doubt
During the Japanese Buddhist holiday Ohigan, a Jodo Shinshu reverend explains the importance of trusting the Buddha’s path to liberation.

The Original Buddhist Rebel
Shinran, the founder of Shin Buddhism, broke with Japanese tradition to start a religion of radical egalitarianism that opened the benefits of Buddhism to everyone.

Confronting the Heart of Darkness
It is only when we confront and accept the heart of darkness within ourselves that we can shatter the walls of ego that divides us from others.

The Buddha of Infinite Light and Life
Mark and Taitetsu Unno speak with Tricycle’s Jeff Wilson about the subtle wisdom at the heart of Pure Land Buddhist practice

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