teacher-student abuse
In the same month, a new initiative started mapping accounts of alleged abuse by the Tibetan Buddhist leader.
Magazine | Featured Contributors, The Conversation
Featured Contributors
Featured contributors include writers Leslie Mancillas, Ann Tashi Slater, and Vanessa Zuisei Goddard, and Susanne Billig, editor-in-chief of the German Buddhist publication Buddhismus aktuell.
Becoming Whole
Healing in the wake of systemic abuse means seeing our teachers—and ourselves—clearly and with compassion.
Why We Yell and Scream
After bearing the pain and shame of sexual abuse in silence, survivors who speak up don’t need to be told to tone it down.
This Is Abuse
Two former Rigpa students recall the abusive behavior of their teacher and the moment they realized it was not “crazy wisdom.”
Unmasking the Guru
Our new digital world has made it impossible to believe in infallible teachers. What comes next is up to us.
Samaya and the World of Shambhala
Samaya is supposed to be an intimate two-way relationship with a teacher. A former student of Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche asks: Is that possible with a Buddhist king?
Kagyu Thubten Choling Monastery Working through Revelations of Sexual Impropriety
The upstate New York monastery has hired outside consultants and therapists to address improper sexual relationships between Lama Norlha and his students.
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