Thanissaro Bhikkhu
While you’ll eventually need to abandon your sense of “I” as you approach the final stages of the path, you won’t arrive there unless you first put that “I” to good use.
The Broken Gong
A Theravada monk on silencing the inner commentary that permeates our lives
On Ajaan Lee’s ‘Keeping the Breath in Mind’
Theravada monk Thanissaro Bhikkhu on the timeless importance of a classic Forest Tradition meditation guide.
The Buddha’s Alternative to Acting out in Anger
Thanissaro Bhikkhu explains how to use the three fabrications—bodily, verbal, and mental—to understand and skillfully work with anger.
Magazine | Letters to the Editor, The Conversation
Letters to the Editor
Our readers respond to Tricycle’s print and online offerings.
Karma Is Individual
Is collective karma really a thing? Theravada monk Thanissaro Bhikkhu weighs in.
Less Is More
The fewer things you think about at any given time, the more you’ll see right here, right now.
What the Buddha Taught Us About Race
Thai forest monk Thanissaro Bhikkhu discusses four main takeaways from his new translation of the Sutta Nipata.
(En)lighten Up! Uncovering the Buddha’s Wit
Pali translator and Thai forest monk Thanissaro Bhikkhu discusses Shakyamuni’s dry humor.
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