Thus have I heard


Fake Buddha Quotes

In a rare burst of creative energy, the Tricycle team went a step further when it came to illustrating Thanissaro Bhikkhu’s article “Lost In Quotation,” a piece about what we miss when we don’t read the whole…

By Tricycle

Mayadevi and the Birth of the Buddha

The birth of the Buddha was preceded by portents: In a dream, a white elephant holding a lotus circumambulated the Buddha’s future mother, Queen Maya, three times before striking her on the right side with his…

By Tricycle

Download Skill in Questions by Thanissaro Bhikkhu

Shortly after his awakening, the Buddha despaired of his ability to teach others what he had learned: “The thought occurred to me, ‘This Dhamma I have attained is deep, hard to see, hard to realize, peaceful,…

By Tricycle

From the Canon

On What is Heard

This weekend there was a little too much honesty or plainspokenness going on in my family and feelings were hurt and there are negative reverberations still coming down the rails. It was all avoidable, and it…

By Tricycle

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