Turning Word

martin aylward

IdeasMagazine | Openings

Turning Word

Martin Aylward, co-founding teacher of the Tapovan Dharma Community at Le Moulin de Chaves monastery in southwestern France, talks about two Buddhist books that made a significant impact on his practice.

By Martin Aylward

tuere sala

TeachingsMagazine | Openings

Turning Word

Tuere Sala, a guiding teacher at Seattle Insight Meditation Society and Capitol Hill Meditation Group, talks about what Buddhist book has made a significant impact on her practice.

By Tuere Sala

Magazine | Openings

Turning Word

Joan Jiko Halifax Roshi, author, Zen Buddhist priest, and abbot of Upaya Zen Center in Santa Fe talks about what Buddhist book has made a significant impact on her practice.

By Joan Halifax

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