In an excerpt from a talk given at San Francisco Zen Center, the late Zen master expounds on the insights of the outbreath.
Personal Reflections Zen Buddhism
Sitting Long and Getting Tired
A teacher on the all-inclusive nature of Zen meditation
‘This Mind Itself Is Buddha’
The Pure Land origins of one of Soto Zen’s most penetrating teaching phrases
Hakuin’s Tears of Awakening
Yamada Mumon Roshi chronicles the spiritual development of Zen Master Hakuin Ekaku, from his childhood fear of hell to his final awakening at the age of 42.
Stand Tall, Cut Straight
The role of the martial arts in spiritual development—Kendo, kiai, and feeling like Beatrix Kiddo.
Still Running
How author and ultrarunner Katie Arnold found solace in stillness
On ‘Music for Zen Meditation’
On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of Tony Scott’s groundbreaking spiritual jazz album, Tricycle looks back at Zen’s enduring influence on modern music.
Personal Reflections Zen Buddhism
At the Beginning You Hold the Structure, Then the Structure Holds You
How the Zen practices of form and structure hold the key to being with uncomfortable states of mind
In the Midst of the Ordinary
Simply sitting with things as they are right now can be our most wonderful teacher.
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