This retreat is intended for people looking for ways to navigate aging’s various challenges and rewards. The older we get the more we come to experience the inevitable Buddhist truth of change, and for many of us this can be a difficult process. In this retreat, Richmond goes through the four key stages of aging: 1) Lightning Strikes (the moment we truly wake up to our aging), 2) Coming to Terms (comparing ourselves to how we once were), 3) Adaptation (letting go of who we were and embracing who we are), and 4) Appreciation (acknowledging that “this is my life, I have no other”). Regardless of whether you are enjoying growing old, hating it, or in denial, Richmond offers us all an inner road map for aging.

Lewis Richmond was ordained as a Zen Buddhist priest in 1971 by Shunryu Suzuki Roshi. He is the author of four books, including the national bestseller Work as a Spiritual Practice and his latest book, Aging as a Spiritual Practice, upon which this retreat is based. Lewis is founder of the Vimala Sangha, a Zen Buddhist meditation community in Mill Valley / Tiburon, California.