There is nothing sadder than the passing of a family member or close friend. Some people may linger in their sorrow and never really recover. In such circumstances, consider this Zen saying: “Be of one essence.” When we experience intense emotion—not only in times of sorrow or trying times but also in happy times, inspiring times—we become one with those emotions. And then, our feelings shift and we must go on with a brand-new day. When you don’t take the time to be of one essence, your emotions can remain unresolved and are left to linger with you. And that’s why when you’re sad, it’s better to cry your eyes out without worrying about what anyone thinks. In time, you will find the strength to pull yourself back up.

From How to Let Things Go by Shunmyo Masuno, translated by Allison Markin Powell. Penguin Life © 2021.