Jill Satterfield will lead us on an exploration of meditation using the four postures: sitting, standing, walking, and lying down, as well as some restorative yoga poses. She will teach us to stay aware of our breath (sometimes breathing meditation can be a bit boring, Jill says, so part of her training will be to keep us interested in the breath.) Ultimately we will be able to meditate no matter where we are and what we are doing.
Jill Satterfield is the founder of Vajra Yoga and Meditation and the Founder and Director of the School for Compassionate Action. She offers the following advice:
What to have ready for your Meditation in Motion sessions:
– One or two stiff blankets OR
– A zafu and a zabuton (small round sitting cushion, and a large square cushion for underneath) or a gombdon (square) cushion
– Loose comfortable clothing
Please practice with an empty stomach.
Please consult with your doctor if you have high blood pressure or any condition that might require precautions when practicing yoga restorative postures.
If there is any discomfort in your knees, neck or lower back when practicing any of the restorative postures, please skip that pose and try another one. This is not a no pain no gain practice!
Please come to this practice with as much curiosity as possible. We will be practicing the four postures that the Buddha taught were suitable for meditation: sitting, standing, walking and lying down. While in each of these postures, our intentions are key, as is paying attention to what it is we are doing at any given time.
Enjoy experimenting with the sessions and add a dash of play into what you are doing. It’s mindfulness with a light heart and a moveable body—see what happens as you bring these into your daily life!