Sangha Spotlight
Jeff Wilson visits the Carolina Buddhist Vihara, unlikely home of a reborn Theravada lineage.
Shambhala Mountain Center
Exploring the wilderness of the mind
Personal ReflectionsMagazine | Sangha Spotlight
Zen Cowboys: Teacherless Sanghas in Middle America
Practitioners at two Ohio sanghas learn how to be one another's teachers
IdeasMagazine | Sangha Spotlight
Buddhism on the Other West Coast
"Come as you are” to the last frontier of American Buddhism.
Desert Lotus: Tibetan Buddhism Blossoms in Southern Utah
A Wal-Mart shopper finds the dharma, and a sangha is born in southern Utah.
A Small Town Does Good
After initial suspicions, a small Oregon town comes to terms with its Buddhist neighbors.
MeditationMagazine | Sangha Spotlight
In the Heart of the Smokies
A nontraditional Buddhist sangha is building a vision of a more just world, one pagoda at a time.
Building the Perfect Buddha
“EVERY DAY I work like this takes five days off my life,” grumbled the worker amid a cloud of fiberglass and marble dust as he scoured the bottom of a colossal head of Vairocana Buddha with…
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