An argument to abandon preconceived prejudices against different Buddhist traditions.
Imagining a World Without Bias
How mindfulness and compassion practices can help us recognize our fundamental ignorance of our interconnectedness
Crossing Over
From messianic saving to the great boat of liberation
Between Neuro-Skepticism and Ultimate Liberation
To what extent do we control our actions?
Starting from Silence
Mindfulness coach George Mumford reflects on the importance of beginner’s mind in the process of recovery—and his practice of learning to pray for the people who annoy him.
My New Mantra
A mindfulness practice to “catch” moments hidden in plain sight
‘Is There a Woman Buddha?’
Faced with a question from her niece, a Buddhist practitioner reckons with the legacies of patriarchy within the tradition.
Awakening Together
Embracing social and political issues in the dharma hall
IdeasMagazine | Books, Reviews
Dharma King
An examination of Ashoka's rule through a close reading of his enduring inscriptions
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