UPDATE: Here is an interview with the artist. Some highlights:

It seems like Buddhist art is a big inspiration for you. Is this just aesthetic or is there a deeper meaning to it? Intuitively, I felt that “Eastern Philosophy” would be a good place to start. Nowhere in the world will you find as much information on the study of the mind than in the East. Also, I wanted to start with something that was easy to digest before getting into more esoteric/occult philosophies. How do people seem to be reacting to your work? So far, the response has been pretty positive. Most people assume it’s just a Buddhist Movement, but I’m hoping they can stay with me as I move on to more challenging ideas.

CRYPTIK on flikr
CRYPTIK on flikr















I know nothing about the Cryptik Movement, but I’m enjoying the images. As I guess I should have expected, their mysterious and cryptic website does very little to clear things up. Does anybody know anything about this?  

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