Global Voices Online reports on the junta’s efforts to force monks to disrobe (in the religious sense) and give up their religion. The Democratic Voice of Burma reports the junta has buried protesters it killed, rather than retruning them to family members for burial and the merit-making ceremony seven days after the death. Speaking of murdered protesters, the UN is pressing the junta to reveal the death toll. (Dissident groups say 200. The government currently says 10.) The UN rights forum wants the junta to allow a visit. But Myanmar needs more time destroy evidence. Meanwhile, a UN worker has been arrested by the junta. For snooping? Japan, whose journalist Kenji Nagai was killed when the military opened fire on a crowd of protesters, plans cut aid to Myanmar. This is also a thorny time for Burma’s neighbor and trading partner India. The key to the whole issue is China anyway. Thailand is also run by a military government. (Southeast Asia is a mess.) The head of their junta says Myanmar will probably not undergo a regime change. The Economist says, “Hopes dashed in Myanmar.” Who is the junta? Well, the leader of it has the unencouraging nickname The Bulldog. Thanks to the Worst Horse (see their great Burma Updater page) and commenter Liam Keane for pointing out the Facebook group in support of the protester, and the Horse also points us to the Saffron Revolution Blog. And don’t forget to sign this petition. What more can we do but put pressure on China, use the UN to its fullest, and wish that all beings may be free from suffering? Oh yeah, and Sylvester Stallone, filming Rambo 4 or whatever on the Burmese border, saw some heavy stuff. I would’ve thought they’d send Rambo to finish up the Surge. Blackwater could hire him — and your tax dollars would pay for it. – Philip Ryan, Webmaster

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