David Loy
David Loy is a professor, writer, and Zen teacher in the Sanbo Kyodan tradition of Japanese Zen Buddhism. His most recent book is Ecodharma: Buddhist Teachings for the Ecological Crisis.

A gathering of teachers looks at ways the Buddhist community can respond to the climate crisis.

The Buddha on Poverty and Plutocracy
In a recent dharma talk, David Loy emphasizes the economic roots of the climate crisis and calls for structural, not just individual, change.

How to Handle Grief When Equanimity Isn’t Enough
Our path isn’t about escaping this world, it’s about becoming more intimate with it.

The Dharma of the Rings
A Zen teacher’s Buddhist take on The Lord of the Rings, in honor of the first film’s 20th anniversary

How to Stay Grounded and Motivated in the Face of Our Climate Crisis
Three dharma teachers show us how activism, compassion, and a deeper connection with nature can make a difference.

Don’t-Know Mind and the Election of Our Lives
We don’t know who’s going to win, or what’s going to happen. There’s a Buddhist teaching that works with exactly that.

Reading Joanna Macy
A Wild Love for the World: Joanna Macy and the Work of our Time is a new collection celebrating the lifework of the Buddhist ecologist Joanna Macy.

Becoming an Ecosattva
Practitioners seek to root their spiritual practice in nature at intensive ecodharma retreats.

IdeasMagazine | Columns, Openings
In the Shadows of Transference
Revisiting how we view enlightenment—and how we view teachers—may help us navigate issues of sexual abuse.

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