
Tibetan Children at Surmang Celebrate Losar

via Lyndon Comstock in the Shambhala Times, Surmang Dutsi Til shedra school in eastern Tibet recently took examinations in reading, writing, and arithmetic. A ceremony honoring those who did especially well was attended by hundreds of…

By Tricycle

Three Practices for Japan

Even with the vast amount of information available to us through the media and internet, the amount of destruction, death, and suffering that is a result of the earthquake, tsunami, and subsequent nuclear catastrophe in Japan…

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Buddhist charities and not-for-profits

“Dana (“giving”) is the most fundamental of all Buddhist practices. It is the first topic in the Buddha’s graduated talks, the first step on the bodhisattva’s path to perfection, and the first of the ten paramitas …

By Tricycle

Buddhist Charities

In our Spring 2010 issue, which contained a special section on Generosity (and Greed), we included spread on Buddhist or Buddhism-related charities and not-for-profits that are doing good work around the world.  We did a second installment…

By Tricycle

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