
Faced with a question from her niece, a Buddhist practitioner reckons with the legacies of patriarchy within the tradition.

Making the Sangha Whole
A nun in the Tibetan tradition celebrates the full ordination of women.

Inside the 18th International Sakyadhita Conference
An unexpected feature underscored the care that went into this annual event, this year drawing 3,000 women.

Living Demigoddesses, Immortal Poetry
A newly translated collection of poems brings to light the work of three remarkable Chinese women from the Tang dynasty.

Turning Toward a More Authentic Life
Author and Professor Melissa Febos speaks with Ann Tashi Slater about her writing practice and turning toward a more authentic life.

A Fierce and Tender Clarity
When it comes to working with anger, the only way out is through.

Personal ReflectionsMagazine | Feature
Leaving the Palace
Buddhism, womanhood, and the problem of the self

Once a Maoist child soldier, Mira Rai, a young woman from rural Nepal, overcame the challenges of an impoverished upbringing to become an internationally recognized trail runner. Today, she inspires children in her home country and…

Dancing with the Divine Feminine
New York’s Tibet House hosts a new body of work by master Nepalese artist Karsang Lama that celebrates the wisdom of awakened female buddhas.

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