Established in 1990 as a nonprofit 501(c)(3) educational organization, The Tricycle Foundation is dedicated to making Buddhist teachings and practices broadly available. In 1991 the Foundation launched Tricycle: The Buddhist Review, the first magazine intended to present Buddhist perspectives to a Western readership. Tricycle soon became the leading independent journal of Buddhism in the West, where it continues to be the most inclusive and widely read vehicle for the dissemination of Buddhist views and values. Our readership includes longtime practitioners, those who are curious about Buddhism or meditation, and those who do not identify as Buddhist but value the teachings of wisdom and compassion that Buddhism has to offer.

By remaining unaffiliated with any particular teacher, sect or lineage, Tricycle provides a unique and independent public forum for exploring Buddhism, establishing a dialogue between Buddhism and the broader culture, and introducing Buddhist thinking to Western disciplines. This approach has enabled Tricycle to successfully attract readers from all walks of life, many of whom desire to enrich their lives through a deeper knowledge of Buddhist traditions.

Tricycle has been recognized with the prestigious Folio Award for Best Spiritual Magazine three times, and has twice garnered the Utne Media Award, most recently in 2013. As part of our commitment to our readers who are seeking to implement or sustain Buddhist values and practices, Tricycle accepts advertising only from teachers, programs, centers, and businesses whose offerings we believe will support those aims. Because of this selective policy, we depend on donations to support ever-rising printing and production costs, content updates to our website, and life-enriching programs. The Foundation also hosts occasional pilgrimages that provide opportunities for new and experienced practitioners to explore sites of importance to Buddhist history and practice.

Donations in support of Tricycle’s work may be made by mailing a check made payable to Tricycle at 89 5th Avenue, Suite 301, New York, NY 10003, or by visiting us at

Mission Statement

The mission of the Tricycle Foundation is to make Buddhist teachings and practices available and to explore their traditional and contemporary expressions. Our work is inspired by the freedom of mind and heart that the Buddha taught is possible.

Tricycle is an independent foundation unaffiliated with any one lineage or sect.

Why “Tricycle”?

A three-wheeled vehicle aptly evokes the fundamental components of Buddhist philosophy. Buddhism itself is often referred to as the “vehicle to enlightenment,” and the tricycle’s three wheels allude to the three treasures: The Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha, or the enlightened teacher, the teachings, and the community. The wheels also relate to the turning of the wheel of dharma, or skillfully using the teachings of the Buddha to face the challenges that the circle of life presents.


Tricycle is committed to helping create a sustainable future. In addition to our editorial efforts in print and online—where we often explore what Buddhism has to offer in a time of environmental crisis—we have taken the following steps toward sustainability in our operations:

  • Our printer, Lane Press, uses petroleum-free, soy-based inks only.
  • Tricycle is printed on recycled paper and is certified by the Forest Stewardship Council, whose mission is the promotion of environmentally sound, socially conscious and responsible management of the world’s forests.
  • We no longer “poly-bag” magazines we ship, mailing them instead without packaging.
  • Our travel partners at RetreaTours purchase triple carbon offsets for all transportation taken during Tricycle pilgrimages. With this 300% offset, RetreaTours offsets more carbon than is produced during these trips.

Tricycle will continue to look for ways to contribute to a sustainable future. Through our media channels, we will continue to foster public discussion of the ecological crisis we face through the apt lens of Buddhist thought and practice.

30 Years of History

Part I: Foundations

Part II: From Our Pages

Part III: Tricycle Moves Forward



Editor-in-Chief James Shaheen
Executive Editor Philip Ryan
Managing Editor Daniel Ilan Cohen Thin
Web Editor Mike Sheffield
Features Editor Andrew Cooper
Associate Editor Frederick M. Ranallo-Higgins
Associate Editor, Buddhism Public Scholar Zim Pickens
Copy Editor Deborah Markson-Katz
Audio Editor Sarah Fleming
Editorial Assistant Haley Barker


Publisher Sam Mowe
Online Learning Manager Britney Mathias
Online Course Designer Mark Cooper
Senior Editor of Audience Engagement Alison Spiegel
Digital Marketing Manager Erin Strahley
Digital Marketing Coordinator Aimee Mein
Marketing & Business Analyst Chris Marchand
Controller Joellen Sommer


Art Director Edward Levine
Art Editor Nina Buesing


Production Stephanie Fulgione
Goodfellows Publishers Representatives (510-548-1680)

Board of Directors

Lawrence Fox, Chair
Mayree Clark
Christopher Crevier
Werner Doyle
Jonathan Hochman
Roger Rosner
James Shaheen
Helen Tworkov
Duncan Ryuken Williams
Philip Glass, Chair Emeritus

Contributing Editors

Wendy Biddlecombe Agsar, Hawa Allan, Allan Badiner, Stephen Batchelor, Katy Butler, Mark Epstein, Vanessa Zuisei Goddard, Amy Gross, Daisy Hernández, Linda Heuman, Jane Hirshfield, John House, Pico Iyer, Charles Johnson, Sumi Loundon Kim, Donald S. Lopez Jr., Mark Magill, Ken McLeod, Frank Olinsky, Joan Duncan Oliver, Noelle Oxenhandler, Douglas Penick, Seth Segall, Henry Shukman, Ann Tashi Slater, Stuart Smithers, Kurt Spellmeyer, Clark Strand, Kenneth Tanaka, Sallie Tisdale, Emma Varvaloucas, Jeff Watt, Pamela Gayle White, Jeff Wilson, Dan Zigmond