istockphoto/Michael Monu

Re: The Economic Meltdown

Tricycle used to run a regular column called “What Does Being a Buddhist Mean to You?” in which we included readers’ responses to various important topics—anger, anti-aging cream, what Bill Clinton will come back as in the next life…

We’re thinking about starting the whole thing back up again, so here’s your shot at a Tricycle fifteen minutes of fame: head over to the Tricycle Community page and join the group “What Does Being a Buddhist Mean to You? Re: The Economic Meltdown.”

Add to the discussion there with a few words, a paragraph or two, an exegesis…just give us your Buddhist sense of jobs, stocks, our new administration, the banks, or whatever else seems pertinent. And join The Big Sit while you’re at it.

Thank you for subscribing to Tricycle! As a nonprofit, to keep Buddhist teachings and practices widely available.