Death & Dying
A day in the life of Hart Island’s cemetery chaplain, Justin von Bujdoss
Walking with Jizo
Invoking the guardian deity of children and travelers in a time of great loss
The Wooden Puppet and the Iron Man
What two Zen archetypes of fearlessness can teach us about embodying compassion in the face of death and dying
Sincerity of Practice
How the ritual of note-taking helped one Zen student to embrace the ineffable.
Still Running
How author and ultrarunner Katie Arnold found solace in stillness
Personal Reflections Death & Dying
Free from Suffering and Free to Suffer
A Colombian Zen monk reflects on a teaching imparted by his mother’s death
Personal Reflections Death & Dying
Zen and ‘The Myth of Sisyphus’
What Albert Camus and the absurdists can teach us about our wandering minds
Death Is a Part of Life
A mindfulness of death practice inspired by the Buddha’s teachings in the Maranasati Sutta
Where Fear and Love Meet
How healing rituals can help us navigate the unpredictability of grief
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