John House

John House , a writer and editor living New York, is currently at work, "almost imperceptibly," on his first novel. He is the former managing editor of Yahoo! Internet Life.

CultureMagazine | Reviews

Much Ado About Nothingness

The Cult of Nothingness:The Philosophers and the BuddhaRoger-Pol DroitTranslated by David Streight and Pamela VohnsonChapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2003288 pp.; $59.95 (cloth), $24.95 (paper) What do people think about when they think about…

By John House

Magazine | Reviews

‘Ordinary Mind’ by Barry Magid

Ordinary Mind:Exploring the Common Ground of Zen and PsychotherapyBy Barry MagidWisdom Publications; Boston 2002 208 pp.; $22.95 (cloth) Americans have never been much for either/or. When presented with choices, and especially when operating as consumers (which…

By John House

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