Josh Korda
When Panic Strikes
Personal ReflectionsMagazine | Columns, Openings
Is Silent Retreat Good for Everyone?
Don’t Suffer Alone
Why I Come Clean to Students About My Insomnia, Anxiety, and Sobriety
MeditationMagazine | Special Section
A Safe Container for Fear
Flowing Feelings
MeditationMagazine | Online Retreats
Now What?
Online Courses
Online Course
Feeling Secure in an Unstable World
Internal investigation plays a key role in our ability to overcome feelings of anxiety and insecurity, develop a secure base, and establish healthy relationships with others. In our latest course, we'll explore a variety of insights and practices—drawn from early Buddhism and contemporary psychology—that can help us acknowledge and process emotional experiences that destabilize us—and discover how to thrive in a disconnected world.
The Anxiety of Return
In today’s episode of Tricycle Talks, Josh Korda, a counselor and the guiding teacher at Dharma Punx NYC, offers a more skillful way to manage life’s stressors and live with greater ease.
Listen Now on Tricycle | iTunes | SoundCloud
Start your day with a fresh perspective
With Stephen Batchelor, Sharon Salzberg, Andrew Olendzki, and more
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