James Shaheen
James Shaheen is Tricycle's editor-in-chief.
A grief psychologist explores how loss can orient us toward our capacity for connection—and how distress can motivate us to examine what really matters.
Personal ReflectionsMagazine | Openings, Podcasts
Healing Within
An excerpt of a conversation between Sister Dang Nghiem and Tricycle’s editor-in-chief, James Shaheen
Magazine | Letter from the Editor, The Conversation
Just Things?
A letter from Tricycle’s editor-in-chief, James Shaheen
Where the Light Comes From
Interview with Poet Laureate Ada Limón
Searching for the Revolution in Every Incarnation
Vajra Chandrasekera’s latest novel reckons with the ongoing violence of Sri Lankan Buddhism.
Personal Reflections Death & Dying
The Creative Enterprise of Being Human
Palliative care physician BJ Miller reflects on his own near-death experience and what we can learn from treating recovery as a creative act.
Personal Reflections Vajrayana
Coming Home to Ourselves
In the Vajrayana tradition, meditation is not a path of self-improvement; it’s a path of self-discovery.
Imagining a World Without Bias
How mindfulness and compassion practices can help us recognize our fundamental ignorance of our interconnectedness
Personal Reflections Mindfulness
Mixing Your Mind with Space
The power of dropping into open awareness and waking down into the wisdom of the body
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