

The Big Awakening

Nearly thirty years ago, Tricycle’s features editor, Andrew Cooper, wrote a fine piece of Buddhist humor that made the rounds in various Buddhist publications. It is an imagined Buddhist sutra told in the voice of a…

By Andrew Cooper


Buddhist Humor Online:

At an event in the Tricycle office several hundred million years ago, Tricycle editor James Shaheen posed a question to the throngs of devas, nagas, goblins, demons, and bodhisattvas (numbering eighteen million in all) in attendance:…

By Tricycle


Therapy, Meditation, and Buddhist Humor

Last week, Daphne Merkin wrote an excellent personal essay, entitled “My Life in Therapy,” about her varied experiences as a patient within the therapeutic establishment (lasting over 40 years!), that appeared in The New York Times…

By Tricycle


Apple consumers as religious adherents

We already know that there’s an iPhone app for enlightenment, but is it possible that Apple itself is a religion? In an interesting blog post at the Atlantic, entitled “The Varieties of Religious Experience: How Apple…

By Tricycle



What is Dudeism? According to, a website dedicated to deploying the wisdom of The Dude (Jeff Bridges) from the comedy The Big Lebowski, Dudeism is a religion with the following creed: The idea is this: Life…

By Tricycle


Discount Buddha

Here’s a picture contributing editor and founding art director Frank Olinsky took on the streets of Brooklyn. I can’t think of a better deal. But if you wait a few days it’ll probably be free. (c)…

By Tricycle



When the animals awoke in the Forest that morning, they all knew that something had changed, but not until the sleep had fully left their heads and seeped back into their pillows did they begin to…

By P. B. Law

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