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Racism Is a Heart Disease by Ruth King
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In honor of Black History Month, Tricycle is presenting a special video series throughout February called “Teachings for Uncertain Times.” The videos are free to watch.
The series has been organized along with Vimalasara (Valerie) Mason-John, chair of the Vancouver Buddhist Center, and features 13 teachers of color.
- Jan. 27: Vimalasara (Valerie) Mason-John, a teacher in the Triratna Buddhist tradition, offers insight on how to create an inclusive community for all dharma practitioners.
- Feb. 1: Tuere Sala, a co-guiding teacher at Seattle Insight Meditation Society, explains how taking refuge is an essential step to developing trust during times of turbulence.
- Feb. 3: Larry Ward, a senior dharma teacher, explains how Buddhism “can help us transform the seeds of racism, confusion, hatred and greed that lie at the base of our consciousness.”
- Feb. 6: Mona Chopra gives a Black Lives Matter lovingkindness meditation to address the killing of black men by police officers.
- Feb. 8: Myokei Caine-Barrett, Shonin, bishop of the Nichiren Shu Buddhist order, on the concept of ichinen sanzen—3,000 realms in a moment’s time—as a foundation for healing.
- Feb. 10: Mushim Patricia Ikeda, Zen teacher, on why now is the time to practice and “dig in.”
- Feb. 13: Dawa Tarchin Phillips, resident teacher at the Bodhi Path Buddhist Center of Santa Barbara and director of education at the University of California Santa Barbara’s Center for Mindfulness and Human Potential, on developing trust despite cultural differences.
- Feb. 15: Buddhist teacher Viveka Chen on cultivating a strong sense of purpose and being propelled to act after Michael Brown’s death in Ferguson.
- Feb. 17: Ruth King, founder of Mindful Members Meditation Community in Charlotte, North Carolina, on exploring the relative reality of racial distress and how to polish the third jewel—sangha, and six practices for racial awareness and wellbeing.
- Feb. 22: Ven. Pannavati Bhikkhuni, co-abbot of Embracing Simplicity Hermitage and the founder and spiritual director of Heartwood Refuge and Retreat Center, on celebrating our connectivity through inner conviction.
- Feb. 24: Tibetan Buddhist lama Lama Rod Owens on recognizing our intersectionality, or different identities.
- Feb. 27: Won Buddhist Priest Rev. Dosung Yoo on understanding nonself and how ignorance causes suffering.
- Feb. 28: Kaira Jewel Lingo, a dharma teacher who was ordained by Thich Nhat Hanh, on using the dharma to address habits inherited from our ancestors.