- Director: Edward A. Burger
- Country: China
- Year: 2016
Your daily practice may consist of 20 minutes of seated, silent meditation (which is commendable). But imagine devoting eight hours every day, 365 days a year, to silent contemplation in every task you do. One Mind offers a window onto life at one of China’s most austere and revered Chan monasteries, Zhenru Chan Monastery, whose cloistered monks continue to uphold a strict code established over 1,200 years ago by the founding patriarchs of Chan.
Director Edward A. Burger’s stunning film captures the monks’ simple day-to-day activities—tending to an organic farm, growing tea, harvesting bamboo, and working the kitchen fire in a study of profound awareness that also evokes the experience of “one mind” within the viewer.
You can read a review of Burger’s documentary, which was featured in Tricycle‘s Winter 2017 issue, here.