1. If I have open-head surgery and my brains are replaced by my alarm clock, am I still Tommy?

Illustrations by Michael Hurson
Illustrations by Michael Hurson

2. Was van Gogh with one ear the same as van Gogh with two ears?

3. If I take a vacation, will I still be Tommy?

4. If I take Prozac, will I still be Tommy?

5. If I get a face-lift, an ass nip, hair coloring, breast implants, and liposuction, will I be Jane Fonda?

6. Is Jane Fonda still Jane Fonda?

7. Is Jane Fonda becoming?

8. Is Jane Fonda becoming Jane Fonda?

9. If  you call me by my true name, am I still Tommy?

Illustrations by Michael Hurson
Illustrations by Michael Hurson

10. If I become Lama Pajama, am I still Tommy?

11. Does my true name have to include Jane Fonda?

12. If I become myself , will my friends still recognize me?

13. If I become myself , will my mother still love me?

14. If I become myself, will I still recognize myself?

15. If I get enlightened, will I still cast a shadow?

16. If I actualize my potential, will my potential stop bothering


17. When Gustave Flaubert said, “Je suis Madame Bovary,” was he still Gustave Flaubert?

18. When JFK said, “Ich bin ein Berliner,” was he still JFK?

19. If I am having an out-of-body experience, am I still Tommy?

20. If I become a Baptist, do I still have a true name?

21. If I become a Buddhist, do I still have a true name?

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