climate change and buddhism

Writer Rebecca Solnit on finding hope in times of catastrophe

What If We’re Telling the Wrong Stories About the Climate Crisis?
Rebecca Solnit and Joan Halifax discuss the power of generative narratives.

Pad Yatra: A Green Odyssey
In Pad Yatra, follow along on the Kung Fu Nuns' extraordinary 450-mile trek across the Himalayas to inspire climate action throughout the region and across the world.

The Dalai Lama Imparts Message of Urgency on Earth Day
Plus, Tricycle hosts a week-long Buddhism and Ecology Summit, and director David Lynch launches a $500 million Transcendental Meditation initiative for college students.

How to Stay Grounded and Motivated in the Face of Our Climate Crisis
Three dharma teachers show us how activism, compassion, and a deeper connection with nature can make a difference.

The Future We Choose
The chief architects of the Paris Agreement say it’s up to all of us to save the planet.

Embracing Extinction
Will Buddhism change to face humanity's impending peril?

How Dekila Chungyalpa Draws on Faith to Protect the Planet
She’s now an interfaith climate change facilitator, but Dekila Chungyalpa wasn’t always able to reconcile her Buddhist practice with a career in environmentalism.

Becoming an Ecosattva
Practitioners seek to root their spiritual practice in nature at intensive ecodharma retreats.

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