Welcome to Tricycle Meditation Month, our annual challenge to commit to a daily practice throughout March. Whether you’re new to meditating or a longtime practitioner, our free 31-day challenge is a great way to kickstart your practice and set aside more time for calm and clarity in your life. We’ll be supporting you along the way with an array of meditations, tips, inspiration, and resources. Our free offerings throughout the month include:
- A new guided meditation video each week from our Meditation Month teacher Guo Gu, a leading Chan Buddhist teacher and author
- Two live calls with Guo Gu to ask any question you have about your practice
- A steady stream of helpful articles on Trike Daily, including classic and contemporary Buddhist teachings
- A Facebook discussion group where you can share your experience and connect with practitioners from all over the world
- An interactive group on Insight Timer, a free meditation app. Go to your Insight Timer Profile > Groups > and search “Tricycle Meditation Month 2021.”
- A weekly newsletter to keep you up to date on everything going on
- Our evergreen meditation section of Buddhism for Beginners
Sign up here to take the Meditation Month challenge.
Guo Gu is a Chan Buddhist teacher and the founder of the Tallahassee Chan Center. For three decades he studied under the late Master Sheng Yen as one of his senior and closest disciples. Guo Gu also teaches at Florida State University as the Sheng Yen Associate Professor of Chinese Buddhism.
Starting on Monday, March 1, Guo Gu will lead a series of four guided meditation videos from the Tallahassee Chan Center in Tallahassee, Florida. In his series, Guo Gu will draw from Chan Buddhist teachings on silent illumination, an idea that reflects the true, spacious nature of mind. He will also offer guidelines for taking the clarity of mind cultivated on the cushion into your daily life. New videos will be posted every Monday.
The schedule is:
- March 1: Relax and Connect
- March 8: Breathe and Experience
- March 15: Contemplate and Perceive
- March 22: Let Go and Break Through
You can also tune into Guo Gu’s live calls on Saturday, March 6 at 12:00pm EST and Friday, March 19 at 5:00 pm EST to ask him any questions you have about your practice. Sign up here.

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