Clark Strand
Clark Strand is a former senior editor at Tricycle. His books include Seeds From a Birch Tree: Writing Haiku and the Spiritual Journey and The Way of the Rose: The Radical Path of the Divine Feminine Hidden in the Rosary, which was co-authored with his wife, Perdita Finn. He teaches the popular group “Weekly Haiku Challenges with Clark Strand” on Facebook and leads Tricycle's monthly haiku challenge, as well as the Tricycle online course, Learn to Write Haiku.

Announcing the winning poems from Tricycle’s monthly challenge

Best of the Haiku Challenge (November 2024)
Announcing the winning poems from Tricycle’s monthly challenge

Best of the Haiku Challenge (October 2024)
Announcing the winning poems from Tricycle’s monthly challenge

CultureMagazine | On Haiku, Openings
The Oldest Game There Is
The winning poem from the Tricycle Haiku Challenge shows us what it looks like to belong to a planet.

Best of the Haiku Challenge (September 2024)
Announcing the winning poems from Tricycle’s monthly challenge

Best of the Haiku Challenge (August 2024)
Announcing the winning poems from Tricycle’s monthly challenge

Best of the Haiku Challenge (July 2024)
Announcing the winning poems from Tricycle’s monthly challenge

CultureMagazine | On Haiku, Openings
The Ghost of Basho
The winning poem from the Tricycle Haiku Challenge explores the essential paradox of poetry.

Best of The Haiku Challenge (June 2024)
Announcing the winning poems from Tricycle’s monthly challenge
Online Courses

Online Course
Learn to Write Haiku: Mastering the Ancient Art of Serious Play
Join Clark Strand in a six-week exploration of this accessible and profound style of poetry.

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