Justin von Bujdoss (Repa Dorje Odzer) is an American Buddhist teacher and spiritual director of the Yangti Yoga Retreat Center. He previously served as Chief Staff Chaplain for the New York City Department of Correction and was recognized as a repa (lay tantric practitioner) in the Karma Kamtsang tradition by Goshir Gyaltsab Rinpoche. Learn more at www.yangtiyoga.com.
Five years after becoming the first Buddhist chaplain for the staff at New York City’s notorious corrections facility, a meditation teacher reflects on his work and the institution
Justin von Bujdoss, a Buddhist teacher and the author of the upcoming Modern Tantric Buddhism, explains that retreats away aren’t necessary for spiritual development.
When we raise children, assist our aging parents, or tend to a sick friend, caregiving offers an opportunity to transform our interactions with others into part of the Buddhist path. In this series, Repa Dorje Odzer…