Lama Jampa Thaye
Lama Jampa Thaye is a scholar, author, and meditation teacher from the UK.

Some charismatic leaders take advantage of Western misconceptions rather than correct them, a Tibetan Buddhist teacher from the UK argues.

Against “Common Sense” Buddhism
The dharma is nothing if not counterintuitive.

Personal Reflections Meditation
Living by Meditation Alone
Buddhism reduced to just meditation is a spiritual dead end.

Bringing It All Back Home
Can we love our families fully while upholding the Buddha’s teaching on nonattachment?

How Do We Learn the Dharma?
As 4th-century Indian master Vasubandhu counseled, “practice hearing, reflecting, and meditating”

Magazine | Column, Online Retreats
Parting from the Four Attachments
Clarifying our motivations for practice

Buddhism with a Western Face
Will Western adaptation of the dharma challenge contemporary culture or accommodate it?

We Are Not Kind Machines
A radical rejection of scientific Buddhism

The Myth of Progress
And there may be no “progress” in religion, in practice, or in the Dharma, either. —Gary Snyder I’ve been hearing from some people recently that Buddhism needs to change to fit with these modern times.…

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