Trent Walker
Trent Walker is the Ho Center for Buddhist Studies Postdoctoral Fellow and a lecturer in religious studies at Stanford University. His first book, Until Nirvana’s Time: Buddhist Songs from Cambodia, will be published in autumn 2022.

In an episode of Tricycle Talks, scholar Trent Walker explores how the Cambodian dharma song tradition demonstrates “a mischievous streak in Buddhist monasticism,” sitting at the intersection of asceticism and sensuality.

Dharma Songs to Stir and Settle
The melodies and meaning of Cambodia’s Buddhist music
Dharma Songs to Stir and Settle

In this episode of Tricycle Talks, James Shaheen sits down with Trent Walker, a scholar of Southeast Asian Buddhist music, to discuss the Cambodian dharma song tradition and how music and aesthetics fit into the Buddhist path to salvation.
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