Zohar Lavie

Zohar Lavie has been practicing meditation since 1995. This journey has taken her from the meditation cushion to exploring further ways of expressing truth and love, and in 2004, she cofounded SanghaSeva. She now spends much of her time facilitating retreats around the world that offer service as a spiritual path. Since 2006, she has been teaching on silent retreats and dharma gatherings in India, Europe, and Palestine/Israel.

Online Course

Liberating Happiness

You may already know that lasting happiness is not found in material goods and enviable experiences. Even so, you'd be surprised at how much joy is to be gained through a program of meditation, inquiry, and action. By the end of this course, you will be in no doubt.

with Nathan Glyde and Zohar Lavie

Dharma Talks

The Gift of Attention

We live in an age of distraction, where our attention is constantly pulled in different directions to different things. Living that way, we are using our most precious resource unskillfully, in ways that do not support…

By Zohar Lavie

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