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An Evolving Dharma

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Though we may maintain a steady meditation practice for months, years, and even decades, our practice is bound to grow and change. As our lives evolve, so too will the way we practice, the goals of our practice, and even our broader view of reality. In this Dharma Talk, Martin Aylward will draw on his thirty years of meditation experience to consider how meditative practice evolves over the course of a life, and how to embrace, rather than resist, this path of evolution.

Martin Aylward is the author of Awake Where You Are: The Art of Embodied Awareness. After spending his early adult years in Asian monasteries and with Himalayan hermits, he now lives in Southwest France where he co-founded Moulin de Chaves, a residential retreat center.

Continue practicing with Martin Aylward in his self-paced online course, The Power of Not Knowing. Learn more and enroll at