Martin Aylward

Martin Aylward is a cofounding teacher of the Tapovan Dharma Community at Le Moulin de Chaves monastery in southwestern France. He teaches the Tricycle online course The Power of Not Knowing.
martin aylward

IdeasMagazine | Openings

Turning Word

Martin Aylward, co-founding teacher of the Tapovan Dharma Community at Le Moulin de Chaves monastery in southwestern France, talks about two Buddhist books that made a significant impact on his practice.

By Martin Aylward

Martin Aylward

Online Course

The Power of Not Knowing

Put down the usual apparatus of knowing and explore a more fluid and free relationship with life in this course with Martin Aylward, available now for self-paced learning. Go beyond old certainties and worn out ideas to come alive in the power of not knowing.

with Martin Aylward

Coming Back to Embodiment

With Martin Aylward

Coming Back to Embodiment

In today’s episode of Life As It Is, James Shaheen and co-host Sharon Salzberg sit down with Buddhist teacher Martin Aylward to discuss the power of embodied attention and how the pandemic has changed our relationship with our bodies.

Listen Now on Tricycle | iTunes | SoundCloud

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