Personal Reflections Generosity
A neglected communal laundry room becomes the perfect practice ground for dana
Coming Unscrooged
Sublime generosity in Charles Dickens’s A Christmas Carol
Practicing Dana, Sila, and Bhavana as I Transition
It is the greatest love letter to myself. It just doesn’t have words.
The Three Beautiful Roots: Cultivating the Three Wholesome Qualities in Unwholesome Times
How can we find the courage to have alobha, to give freely without attachment; adosa, to let go of aversion and punitive actions and live with integrity; and amoha, to gain insight into the nature of…
Magazine | Letters to the Editor, The Conversation
Letters to the Editor
Our readers respond to Tricycle’s print and online stories.
A Zen Harvest
When the pandemic hit, veterans of Green Gulch Farm joined with Bay Area leaders and activists to distribute their sangha-grown vegetables where it was needed most.
The Merit Economy
What happens to Buddhist institutions when the traditional model of support—merit-based giving—changes?
The Dance of Reciprocity
How a Zen nun discovered generosity in receiving
Acts That Purify Our Existence: Dana, Sila, and Bhavana
A celebrated Theravada monk and meditation teacher explains the importance of the ethical dimension of Buddhist practice.
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