
In this landmark teaching, Dogen expounds on the nonconceptual nature of time and space.

The Five Ranks and Dogen’s “Genjokoan”
How the most famous lines of the Shobogenzo help to elucidate a watershed teaching

Personal Reflections Relationships
Letting in All the Ancestors
Reckoning with her return to life outside the monastery, a Zen student finds solace in calling upon her ancestors.

Dogen in a Hammock
On learning to appreciate reading difficult texts

The Big Activity
The venerated teacher on the nature of perceiving Zen versus the act of engaging in Zen and why that distinction makes all the difference.

Forgetting the Self at a Party Full of Strangers
How tending to the very thing we fear can offer a path to awakening

Nothing to Be
Losing the self through faith in the Buddha

The Koan of Zazen Sailing
Sailing for sailing’s sake, sitting for sitting’s sake, the wind in our zazen sails.

Sutras of Mountain and Water
From Abruptly Dogen, a recently published translation of the Zen master's writing.

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